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Tell Jokha (Ruinen von Umma)

Tell Jokha, Südirak © Carabinieri T.P.C. Italia
Tell Jokha, Südirak © Carabinieri T.P.C. Italia

Compiling Summary Inventories in Crisis-Hit-Regions

"The Italian carabinieri have a specialist unit which deals solely with safeguarding the country's cultural heritage. At an international PCP conference on the "Hague Convention and the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of ArmedConflict" held from 3 to 5 March this year in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Brigadier General Ugo Zottin presented the work carried out by the carabinieri during a number of confl icts in Europe and Iraq. As part of general peace-keeping measures, Italy sent its carabinieri to these countries to provide expert advice on cultural property protection. For example, the unit was posted to Kosovo between October 2002 and May 2003, during which time it assisted with gathering basic information (documents, picturesand films), which would help with the drafting of a summary inventory of historically important sites. Their last large-scale deployment was in Iraq. Following the looting and destruction of the national museum in Baghdad as well as thefts from archaeological digs, an inventory of the most endangered sites had to be drawn up as a matter of utmost urgency. With the help of local experts, the work began in July 2003 and was completed in January 2005, resulting in a database of approximately 321 archaeological digs. Given the problem of illegal exports, at-risk archaeological objects had to be recorded and documented, and local staff had to be trained. The sites themselves were also given protection. 48 people were arrested during this period." (op. cit.: Zottin, Ugo: Inventario PBC dei Carabinieri, in: KGS-PBC-PCP Forum 6/2005, p. 74)


Fortsetzung: Zabalam...


© Ulrike-Christiane Lintz, 01.03.2007

Excavation at Jokha by R. N. Mehta, S. N. Chowdhary, Review author[s]: J. M. Strub, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies,Vol. 35, No. 2 (1972), pp. 436-437
Excavation at Jokha by R. N. Mehta, S. N. Chowdhary, Review author[s]: J. M. Strub, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies,Vol. 35, No. 2 (1972), pp. 436-437