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Artists IX

Škart (Serbia/Montenegro)

Paola Yacoub Michel Lasserre (Lebanon & France)

Project for Gwangju Biennale 2006 by Paola Yacoub Michel Lasserre

Newsletter "Tigers Tamouls and Tsunami1", Gwangju Biennale


News on cataclysms evoke wars, blunderings, guerrillas, NATO... Natural forces mingle inextricably with history. These natural and historical forces are sometimes not distinguished one from another. Zones where it is not possible to differentiate them any more appear. They are dangerous zones with metaphysical tonalities. Similar undistinctions can appear in photographic snapshots.


The project is constituted of 4 parts

  • Part 1 The death of the photographe. A slideshow made of 4 slides. 4 photographs shot by a photographer who was carried out by the wave. These low quality photographs will be entirely reconstituted in a slide format and projected on a flat big plane. The slideshow will ravel very slowly; one of the photographs will remain still for more than 20 seconds.
  • Part 2, 3 Cataclysms like war I and II. Two digital montages shown on plasma screens of a minimum size of 106 cm. They are montages made of photographs and news. Photographs retort to news relating to cataclysms and historical contexts. Duration: approximately 5 minutes each. See sample Cataclysms like war I, April 2006, 1'31'', appendix 2.
  • Part 4 Untitle. A photographic collage mounted on a hard framework, 40cm*60cm format, copy from an extract of Cataclysms like war.

Zaatari, Akram (Lebanon)