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Internet Ressourcen für Studium und Praxis

American Association of Museums (AAM)

For more than 100 years, AAM has been setting standards and best practices guidelines for museums in America. Their Web site contains a dynamic, searchable directory of more than 3,000 museums, as well as a subset directory of more than 750 museums, which have been accredited by the organization. The latest AAM Code of Ethics for Museums and full-text Ethical Guidelines are also available.

American Association for State and Local History (AASLH)

This organization serves professionals and volunteers who preserve and interpret state and local history across the United States. The association is currently involved with the Federal Formula Grant Initiative to bring federal grant opportunities to states for their museums and archives.

Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD)

Membership in this association is strictly limited to directors of museums in the United States, Mexico, and Canada, and then only one representative per museum, but the Web site contains a valuable resource in its collection of position papers and reports of the association. These documents give insight into museum operations and how leaders of art museums deal with sensitive topics, such as Nazi-looted art, sacred objects, and corporate sponsorship.

Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC)

ASTC is an international organization of not only science-technology centers and science museums, but also nature centers, aquariums, planetariums, zoos, botanical gardens, space theaters, and natural history and children’s museums. Search this site’s online directory of more than 400 science-techology centers from around the world, or browse its online “Resource Center” for information on designing effective science exhibits for kids, adolescents, and elderly visitors.

International Council of Museums (ICOM)

ICOM is an international organization for more than 21,000 museums and museum professionals, closely associated with the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It helps set minimum standards of professional practice and performance for museums and their staff by publishing and maintaining the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums, available online in three official languages (English, French, and Spanish) and several unofficial versions.

National Trust for Historic Preservation

The National Trust is a nonprofit organization devoted to saving and preserving America’s historic buildings and neighborhoods. Links for educational, advocacy, and funding resources are provided, as well as links to current lists of America’s most endangered and distinctive historic sites.

Art Museum Network

An online directory of only the major players (in terms of museums) from around the world. More than 200 museums are listed, membership in this organization is by invitation only.

Virtual Library Museum Pages

A multilanguage worldwide directory of museums with a Web presence, subdivided geographically or keyword searchable.

Virtual Museum Canada (VMC)

This gateway connects museums across Canada and provides access to online exhibits, educational materials for download, and vast image collections.