Your location for Archaelogical Services
Cultural Heritage and Technology
ArchaeoFair, according his duty, is devoted not only to
Archaeology and Monument History, but also to epigraphical
research with innovative means of "ICT – Information and
Communication technology" (f.e. Open Source GIS) as well as
modern satellite
based technologies ( f.e. Differential-GPS – DGPS),
measurement and dating methods (f.e. ground radar, geoelectric
and geomagnetic analysis, geophysical prospection, luminescence
dating) with its right to that purpose developped plattform. We
want to achieve this goal by a middle or long term
Development of an International Information Platform
(Innovative Access Service) on the area of archaeological and
epigraphical research and preservation of Cultural Heritage,
who supports a cross-departmental and interdisciplinary
exchange of information incl. expansion of international
connectivity on the range of archaeology and epigraphy,
creating, interpreting and using of cultural and scientific
contents ("crossover of cultures") - even of multi formatic and
multi sourced digitised objects.
Satellite based technology - Google Earth™ and the archaeological exploration of Afghanistan

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International Information Platform (Innovative Access Service)
The concept of this International Information Platform
(Innovative Access Service) concerning the subject "CULTURAL
HERITAGE and TECHNOLOGY" follows innovative technical
solutions and scientific strategies, based on powerful complex
hard- and software programmes, technologies and tools to the
scientific development of objects and data of different
provenience on the area of the nature of sceience, the
humanities and sciences of information.
With a successful processing of long term data archiving are
always present the human capabilities of users with information
and knowledge inspired accesses; by this action people have to
keep attention during their research of innovative ICT
material. Text processing programmes enable a complete new
access to the automatic handling with dynamic and fluent
digital contents of greater volumina and guarant their
Under this label we unify a number of enterprises, who serve to
the research and preservation of our cultural heritage. It's
important for us, that these enterprises, who produce and
retrieve archaeological software and technology, or work as
subcontractors of these enterprises, identify with their stand
alone identities in our cultural portal and profit of our long
and world wide experience in the areas of archaeology,
preservation of antique monuments and epigraphy.
Tel.: +49 (0) 6842 - 53 68 47
Fax: +49 (0) 6842 - 50 76 81
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We would be pleased about a feed back. Critics and suggestions to our internet pages are welcome every time. We are pleased to hear you.