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Media Data and Advertising

Get in Touch with World's Cultures ...

  • As Museums- & Culture Consulting we offer an acces to a variety of different target groups in assition to Cultural and Museums sectors.
  • is the international information- and communication platform from which you can reach out daily to potential target groups.
  • is an independent international Portal with an innovative online - editorial system without ties to the printed media.
  • As a web based information site and being the  medium of choice reaches numerous leading decision makers in cultural and media organisations, federations and cultural institutions.
  • sees itself as a vehicle for delivering news and information to international enterprises and institutions.
  • is one of the leading international online portals for museums and culture.
  • Since it's foundation in 2005, is one of the established information and communication portals. With it's wide variety of subjects having emphasis on news, RSS-News, online-exhibitions and online-presentations, international job-offers and huge number of databases in the cultural and museum sector the portal is oriented particularly on the requirements of leading decision makers in medium-sized enterprises and institutions all over the world. 
  • cooperates with a huge number of different cultural enterprises and institutions. 


By clicking "about us" / "references" you  can see detailed information about  all our new projects and our cooperation with  partners and clients.

Page impression (PI): What does it mean for advertising ?

* Page Impresion ( PI  earlier  Page-Views , german: Seitenaufruf )  is an internet market research term. The page impression describes the number of uploads of a single page within a webpage.

An exact definition was given by: Informationsgemeinschaft zur Feststellung der Verbreitung von Werbeträgern e.V. (IVW).

If a website is searched by a programme (Browser or Webspider), the single files are sent back. In this way a  hit  is generated. So, a  page-impression  describes a complete page with all integrated elements.


One site with content and three pictures generates  4 hits in total, but only one  page-impression.

Mostly PIs generated by web-spiders or similar systems are not counted. This is also true for reloads, e.g. with continuously updated content generated page impressions. For data security purposes, independent of the number of page impressions made by one user, the  unique visit  ( the total number of visits to a website) is closed after half an hour with and is blocked for up to an hour afterwards. If the user returns e.g. after just ten minutes, this is not counted as a new visit. So it doesn't make any difference whether the user looks at a single document or at numerous pages.

The average number of  page-impressions  per month is interesting for instance to contractors, who want to place  advertisements  on a page.