Company Vision & History
Company Vision
The purpose of BibleWorks, LLC is to provide pastors, teachers,
students, and missionaries with the tools they need to "rightly
divide the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15). There are other
companies that exist to do this as well, but BibleWorks comes
to this task with some unique differences in approach and
philosophy: We exist to serve the church, not to make a profit,
and all of our business decisions are made with that in mind.
Our goal is to provide a complete package containing the tools
most essential for the task of interpreting the Scriptures in
the original Greek and Hebrew, and to do it at a price that
poor pastors and students can afford. To accomplish this task
we routinely make marketing and sales decisions that many would
consider to be bad business but which serve our primary goals.
On the other hand, because everything that we do reflects on
our real employer, the Lord Jesus Christ, it is our desire to
provide a professionally executed and supported software
package, while at the same time compensating employees with
reasonable salaries that are competitive with the rest of the
software industry. We try to treat both our customers and our
employees as we would like to be treated ourselves. We are
thankful that the Lord has blessed our efforts thus far and
look to the future with expectations of further blessing, for
as long as the Lord desires.
BibleWorks began in 1992. For its first ten years, BibleWorks, LLC performed only software development of the BibleWorks package, with production and distribution handled by Hermeneutika, of Big Fork, Montana. To centralize its operations, in July 2002 BibleWorks, LLC assumed all functions formerly performed by Hermeneutika, consolidating these functions into its office in Norfolk, Virginia.