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Photographers - Single View

Roberto Koch - CONTRASTO

Via degli Scialoia, 3
00196 Rome

Contact Data
Contact: Roberto Koch
Tel.: +39 06 328281
Fax: +39 06 32828240

"Roberto Koch was born in Rome in 1955, where he actually lives.
He starts photography at early age, and his work has been published in several international magazines, like Stern, Panorama, Epoca, Newsweek and others. In 1981 he publishes his first book, "Augusto e gli altri" dedicated to the handicapped children. He follows events in the USSR after the beginning of perestroika, and his reportage is the recipient of Kodak award in 1988. The book "Istanti di Russia (Snaps from Russia)" comes out in 1990. Other books are "Exit" (with Enrico Bossan, 1991) dedicated to United States, "In Giro", 1996, a reportage on the Giro d'Italia with contribution by main writers as Pratolini, Buzzati, Montanelli and others, and "Album", 1998, a diary of Italy in the '80s and '90s. In 1991, together with Gianni Berengo Gardin and Ferdinando Scianna publishes "In treno attraverso l'Italia", an essay on the travel by train.
In 1986 he founds Contrasto, a photo agency that soon becomes one of the main production sources of photojournalism in Europe, of which he is the director since the beginning.
He has been member of the Jury of the World Press Photo in 1996, 1997 and 1999, and of the first jury of Henri Cartier-Bresson award in 2003.
His pictures have been exposed in several Museums and Galleries worldwide.
In 1994 he founds a publishing house under Contrasto name, that has produced until now 60 books of various photographers and has become during the years a leader publishing company on photography in Italy. Contrasto is also very active in the promotion and creation of cultural events on photography.
Koch is also co-author of the "Dizionario di Fotografia", 2001."


"Contrasto is a unique enterprise in the field of photography. Contrasto was born in the 80's to be a point of reference for quality photojournalism.

The agency's photographers, in addition to its close contact with the information and culture worlds, allows Contrasto to be a leader in the field of author photography.

Its vast range of activities (production and distribution of images for journalism, advertising and image consulting, fashion and publishing, archives available online) is guaranteed by the various resources it draws from; Most notably Magnum, the prestigious agency founded by Robert Capa and Henri Cartier-Bresson.

Contrasto is publishing house as well, working to realize photographic books, and exhibits in cooperation with Italy's public and private institutions.

The high level of Contrasto photographers' amounts to a gallery of unique images suitable for collecting purposes as well."

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