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Museums- Single View

Anand Bhawan

211002 Allahabad - India (Uttar Pradesh)
Opening Hours
Open: 9:30 am to 05:00 pm. except Mondays.
There is a Jawahar planetarium build in 1979 in the compound.
Open 11:00 am to 04:00 pm. except Mondays
Contact Data
Anand Bhawan
Tel.: 52083

Anand Bhavan was the former ancestral home of the Nehru family. Donated to the Indian government in 1970 by Indira Gandhi, it was turned into a museum. The exhibits in the two storied building seen through glass panels include personal items of Motilal Nehru, Jawaharlal Nehru; the first Prime Minister of Independent India, Indira Gandhi (Prime Minister1966-77, 1980-84) and her sons Sanjay Gandhi and Rajeev Gandhi (PrimeMinister1984-1989). One can see the room where Mahatma Gandhi used to stay during his visits, Jawarlal Nehru's room and study also.

Source: Web India

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