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Miroslaw Balka - Lichtzwang

The exhibition shows, for the first time, a selection of video works by the internationally highly respected Polish sculptor (b. 1958). Bałka uses simple means to film everyday scenes and moments, most of them observations of details which go on to assume a mysterious and ... Pfeilmehr

Modernism: Designing a New World

  "This major exhibition at the V&A is the first to explore Modernism in the designed world from a truly international perspective and in terms of all the arts. At the beginning of the twenty-first century our relationship to Modernism is complex. The built environment that we ... Pfeilmehr



Monika Zucht: nirgendwo und überall zu haus -

Überlebende des Holocaust im Gespräch mit Martin Doerry Fotografien von Monika Zucht In den vergangenen Jahren reisten der stellvertretende Chefredakteur des SPIEGEL, Martin Doerry, und die Fotografin Monika Zucht quer durch Europa und Amerika, um mit Menschen zu sprechen, ... Pfeilmehr

"Mozart auf der Reise nach Prag"


MOZART. Experiment Aufklärung

MOZART. The Enlightenment: An Experiment A multidimensional space of thought on the occasion of the Mozart Year 2006 in Vienna. With Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart placed firmly at the heart of the exhibition, visitors will experience a visualisation of his period which was caught ... Pfeilmehr

Museen im 21. Jahrhundert: Ideen, Projekte, Bauten

Museums in the 21st Century: Concepts Projects Buildings The museum seems to have assumed the role of urban landmark formerly fulfilled by the cathedral. Today, this institution serves as a symbol of cultural identification in a society that is passing through an insecure ... Pfeilmehr

MYTHOS Joseph Beuys

Joseph Beuys, in whom the combined force of the man and his work represents the greatest personal mythology since Marcel Duchamp, left behind a sculptural oeuvre in which the transformation of materials, forces, and energies turns the ideal of a universal and spiritual human being ... Pfeilmehr

Nichts ist erledigt - Plakate von Klaus Staeck

"Das Dumme ist, daß viele Plakate noch immer aktuell sind. Als politischer Mensch wünsche ich mir, daß sie mal überholt sind, weil das eine oder andere Problem gelöst ist." Klaus Staeck.(...)" (Quelle: Akademie der Künste) Eröffnung 14.5.2006 Austellung ... Pfeilmehr

Nigel Cooke: A Portrait of Everything

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