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Photographers - Single View

Fabio Lovino - CONTRASTO

Via degli Scialoia, 3
00196 Rome

Contact Data
Contact: Fabio Lovino
Tel.: +39 06 328281,
Fax: +39 06 32828240

”Fabio Lovino was born in Rome 36 years ago.
On college he began to work as a photographer for advertising and portrayed rockstars, jazz players and collaborated with the magazines l'Espresso, Rockstar, Fare Musica.
Afterwards he got involved in cinema reportage and also portrayed writers and contemporary artists.
His reportages and shooting are published on the main Italian mastheads. In the meanwhile he is publishing on the international press like GQ, Dazed and Confused, Max German edition, Premier, Studio Magazine and he also realized many CD covers for national and international artists, collaborating with important record companies.
He realized, in collaboration with the Italian Foundation for Photography, in Rome, Turin, and Milan a photo exhibition about the Italian cinema.
He worked as a stage photographer in more than 30 movies like The Funeral by Abel Ferrara, Il principe di Homburg by Marco Bellocchio, Tre uomini e una gamba by Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo.
He performed videos and videoclips taking part in festivals and broadcasting in TV programs.

He joins Contrasto's staff from 2001.”



”Contrasto is a unique enterprise in the field of photography. Contrasto was born in the 80's to be a point of reference for quality photojournalism.

The agency's photographers, in addition to its close contact with the information and culture worlds, allows Contrasto to be a leader in the field of author photography.

Its vast range of activities (production and distribution of images for journalism, advertising and image consulting, fashion and publishing, archives available online) is guaranteed by the various resources it draws from; Most notably Magnum, the prestigious agency founded by Robert Capa and Henri Cartier-Bresson.

Contrasto is publishing house as well, working to realize photographic books, and exhibits in cooperation with Italy's public and private institutions.

The high level of Contrasto photographers' amounts to a gallery of unique images suitable for collecting purposes as well."

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