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Culture / Management - Single View

Europäisches Migrationszentrum

Schliemannstr. 23
10437 Berlin

Contact Data
Tel.: +0049 +30 4465 1065
Fax: +0049 +30 444 1085

The European Migration Centre (EMZ)

"The European Migration Centre (EMZ) was founded in Berlin in 1978. The overall aim of the organisation is to intensify networking between European institutions working in the wide field of migration and ethnicity. The activities of the EMZ include international research as well as practical guidance for immigrant entrepreneurs in Berlin. In regard to documentation the EMZ runs an extensive library and provides modern online data banks with statistics and literature on migration topics. These non-profit-making activities depend on sponsorship.

Throughout its history the EMZ has always been striving to link research, practice and politics in order to contribute to the implementation of a sustainable European migration policy. By publishing research results and by organizing public discussions on current migration topics the EMZ is able to keep in touch with processes in society and in the political realm.

Thereby it presents a scientific basis for reasonable integration and immigration policies. In response to the growing political and economic cooperation on the European level the EMZ tries to intensify networking among European research institutions. Their addresses are published online in the EuroFor handbook. Moreover the EMZ offers young people from all over the world internships in different areas."

Quelle: Europäisches Migrationszentrum

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